is a proud distributor of Traffic Logix traffic radar signs. Traffic Logix is a manufacturer that offers everything you need for safer roads and a safer workplace. Whether you're looking for a speed display sign, a speed trailer, a rubber speed hump, or flashing beacons, no one offers more traffic calming solutions than Traffic Logix. The SafePace® family of LED speed signs includes speed display signs for every roadway and budget. From their bestselling low-cost SafePace 100 sign to our static message SafePace 400, 450, and 550 signs, the variable message signs such as the SafePace 600-800 signs and their innovative Cruiser LT radar trailer, they have the speed radar signs you need to slow drivers down.
To request government or bulk quotes - please contact: with the model number and quantity of signs you are looking for.
Below is a list of available signs.
SafePace 100
SP-100-AC, 11" Radar Sign with AC Power Option |
SafePace 100 SP-100-4-Cell, 11"
Radar Sign with 4 Cell Battery Option |
SafePace 100 SP-100-Solar 11" Radar
Sign with Solar Panel Option |
SafePace 450 SP-450-AC, 15" Radar
Sign with AC Power Option |
SafePace 450 SP-450-4-Cell, 15"
Radar Sign with 4 Cell Battery Option |
SafePace 450 SP-450-Solar, 15" Radar
Sign with Solar Panel Option |
SafePace 550 SP-550-AC, 15" Radar
Sign with AC Power Option |
SafePace 550 SP-550-Solar, 15" Radar
Sign with Solar Panel Option |
SafePace 650 SP-650-AC, 15" Radar
Sign with AC Power Option |
SafePace 650 SP-650-4-Cell, 15"
Radar Sign with 4 Cell Battery Option |
SafePace 650 SP-650-Solar, 15" Radar
Sign with Solar Panel Option |
SafePace 475 SP-475-AC, 18" Radar
Sign with AC Power Option |
SafePace 475 SP-475-4-Cell, 18"
Radar Sign with 4 Cell Battery Option |
SafePace 475 SP-475-Solar, 18" Radar
Sign with Solar Panel Option |
SafePace 600 SP-600-AC with AC Power
Option |
SafePace 600 SP-600-Solar with Solar
Panel Option |
SafePace 700 SP-700-AC with AC Power
Option |
SafePace 700 SP-700-Solar with Solar
Panel Option |
SafePace 800 SP-800-AC with AC Power
Option, Must be Trailer Mounted |
SafePace 800 SP-800-Solar with Solar
Panel Option, Must be Trailer Mounted |

SafePace 100
SafePace 450
SafePace 550
SafePace 600
SafePace 650
SafePace 700
SafePace 800